
Playable City Lagos

How can public spaces be ignited in playful and creative ways?


Services: Research, Project Facilitation and Management, Engagement, Design, Communication.

Playable City is a series of global experiments, encouraging citizens to engage with public spaces in playful and creative ways.

Playable City Lagos was a ten day lab with four UK and seven Nigerian creatives exploring how playful experiences could positively interrupt people’s movement within the city. It was produced by Watershed, in collaboration with the British Council and Future Lagos. The research by Future Lagos challenged participants to develop playful interventions that respond to specific social challenges and specific geographic locations in the city.

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Client Quotes
How  design and technology can meet to explore the potential of public spaces in Lagos
Rashiq Fataar
Rouen Smit
37 Parliament Street
Church Square
Cape Town City Centre
Cape Town, 8000
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